The health and care system in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin is working together to transform eye-care services. We have listened to clinicians, members of the public, patients and carers to develop a proposed new model of care.

Join for an update on how things have progressed and share your views and feedback about our proposed new model. We want to know if you think we’ve got it right or if there is anything we have missed or need to consider further.

Why change is needed

The aim is to provide effective eye-care services that are more joined up so that adults and children get the best care possible when and where they need it.

Dealing with the pandemic has impacted the amount of planned care the NHS has been able to provide and estimates suggest over 10 million patients in England did not come forward for treatment when they may have needed it.

People are also living for longer which is to be celebrated but means the need for certain services such as eye-care services is increasing.

This has led to record levels of demand at a time when services are also under huge pressure due to staff shortages.

This is resulting in longer waits for many patients.

Barrie Reis-Seymour, Head of Transformation and System Commissioning at NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Clinical Commissioning Group, said: “We have been working with our staff and the people who use services to find better and different ways of meeting current and future demand.

“We want to improve the experience of patients and staff working in eye-care services from the way people access care, how they manage their condition, and how the services work together and share information.

When: 7 February from 17:30 to 19:30
Where: Online via MS Teams
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helen mccabe
Author: helen mccabe