Wem Rural Parish Councillors have been out and about meeting lots of the parishioners to hand deliver the previous edition of the Rural Review in order to save costs on postage. Apologies if your home was missed due to the bad weather. This was a great opportunity to touch base with parishioners and to hear concerns and feedback on their doorsteps.

It is exciting to see the Horse and Jockey up and running, and what a fabulous job has been done by all those involved in making the community pub a warm and welcoming place to visit. We were all very encouraged to see such a great outcome resulting from a group of likeminded people acting in unison to achieve something for the benefit of the community.  Local business women along with our Chair gathered for a meeting in preparation for International Women’s Day, hosted at the Horse and Jockey with coffee and cake.  Those present brought a very positive attitude to the theme and shared what contribution they could make. This collaboration has given us all something to look forward to on 8th March, at Wem Town Hall.

Cllr Julia Goode and Cllr Huw Edwards took part is a series of webinar meetings. They were part of the hidden crime updates, topics covered were: controlling and coercive behaviour, domestic abuse and violence, human trafficking and modern slavery. The Councillors both agreed that these webinars were beneficial to attend and that it was important to address these important issues that exist within our community.

The NCRA has carried out much of the essential work to maintain the play-park and new garden area. Come the spring, the vegetable beds will be planted and the fruit trees will be in. There is a scheme whereby the trees can be sponsored, so please keep your eyes peeled for further information on the NCRA Facebook page. Efforts to raise funds for the next stage of the car park will commence soon. if anyone has any ideas as to source funds, do please get in touch with us.

Three committee members left  earlier this year, John, Gareth and Caley Lay and the NCRA are still in need of a new secretary. If anyone would be interested in supporting this very worthwhile charity, do please step forward. The NCRA has a new treasurer following Jeff Davies stepping down, We would like to thank Jefff and Tracy for all their hard work. Jeff will remain on the committee.

Do please feel free to contact Cllr Goode or Cllr Britton if there is anything you would wish to discuss relating to the ward of Northwood and Newtown.


helen mccabe
Author: helen mccabe