As flooding is so much in the news due to the recent weather conditions, we would like to remind you about  the free property flood protection assessments which are offered by Shropshire Council.

Shropshire Council is working hard to manage flood risk across the county and is busy learning about the flooding issues that affect different areas.

As part of its approach, Shropshire Council is offering free residential property flood protection assessments, where internal flooding has been experienced.  Assessments will be carried out by an approved surveyor who is independent of manufacturers of flooding related products.  An assessment will be made of the likely routes of ingress for flood water entering your property, and measures that could be used to prevent or mitigate flood damage to your home will be suggested.  After visiting, the surveyor will issue a brief report outlining their findings.  You can then use the report to help plan protective measures for your property.  Shropshire Council can provide further guidance on the types of products that are available.

To request a visit, please send your contact details to or complete this form and return it to Shropshire Council at Shirehall.