Wem Rural Parish Council is pleased to provide an update on the ongoing efforts of the Friends of Whitchurch Road Cemetery. This dedicated group is committed to managing the cemetery’s grassland to enhance biodiversity and encourage wildlife while ensuring that graves remain accessible to all.
Earlier this year, the Friends of Whitchurch Road Cemetery participated in the national “No Mow May” initiative. Unfortunately, this led to the grass becoming very long, and it was not possible to cut it until mid-June. As a result, some graves were not as accessible as desired during that period. The group is now working closely with their contractor to ensure that the grass is cut as frequently as possible. The £500 grant awarded by Wem Rural Parish Council, which was presented by Cllrs Edwards, Hilldith and Vernon, has been instrumental in supporting this effort. Grass cutting will continue into late autumn, and the group plans to reassess the cutting regime later in the year.
To further encourage wildlife, the Friends have left one area at the rear of the cemetery completely wild. This area is scheduled to be cut back in August and September, with plans to remove the cut vegetation to help the area thrive. An ecological survey conducted in 2009 identified 72 different plant varieties in the cemetery, and the group is eager to enhance this biodiversity. Last year, several new trees were planted, and more are planned for later this year.
The Friends of Whitchurch Road Cemetery are always in need of new volunteers to assist with their ongoing work. For more information, Hazel Adkins and Judy Crichton can be contacted via email at hazeladkins1@talktalk.net or jcrichton999@yahoo.co.uk.
In addition to their conservation efforts, the Friends also open the cemetery chapel for special events as often as possible and are happy to arrange tours. The chapel will be open again on the weekend of 14th/15th September.
The next coffee morning organized by the Friends will be held at Wem Methodist Church Hall on Saturday, 19th October, from 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM. All are welcome to attend, and the Parish Council encourages the community to support this event.
You can view photograhs here