We have several beautifully bound ledgers that hold the minutes of council meetings between 1933 and 1992. They are going to be archived so we thought it might be interesting to share a snippet from the earliest meeting. The minutes are hand written as you can see from the image below so please excuse any minor transcription errors on my part. As you can see there are some topics that never go away.

Wem Rural Parish Council Minutes
Corn Exchange
March 4th 1933

Present :

  • Mr C E. Forrester ( Chairman )
  • Mr H. H. Holland ( Vice Chairman )

Messrs J. Barkley, W. Weston, R. Cliff, W. Horton, J. Nicholls, R.J. Jeffries, W. Davies & C.E. Walker.

Absent:- Messrs E. Keay, R. Johnson, F.C. Stokes, J. Butler, J Edgerton.

Resolved that minutes of the last meeting as read be confirmed and signed.

Resolved that the Clerk arrange to go with the Divisional Surveyor to inspect roads requiring
repairs etc & report to the council at next meeting.

Proposed by Mr. Barkley and seconded by Mr. Weston that Mr. William Davies be appointed a
manager of Newtown C. of E. School in place of Mr. S. Harper resigned.

Carried unanimously.

Proposed by Mr. Holland and seconded by Mr. Walker that Mr. Piercy Cartwright be re-appointed a
manager of Edstaston C. of E. School.

Carried unanimously.

Proposed by Mr. Cliff and seconded by Mr. Barkley that Messrs W Weston & Holland be reappointed
Trustees of the Wem & Loppington United Charities.

Carried unanimously.

Resolved that the matter of obstructions of footpaths be left over until next meeting & that the Clerk
bring before the Council the Ordnance Survey Maps of the districts concerned.

Signed. Charles Edward Forrester

helen mccabe
Author: helen mccabe