Our aims, objectives and work



To provide effective, efficient and accountable local government for the parish, enabling residents to be involved in the life of the community and its future development.

To be a strong voice for residents and local businesses, working to improve the overall parish area both built and natural, while preserving the uniqueness of heritage areas.


To understand and communicate the views, needs and aspirations of residents and businesses to statutory and non-governmental bodies as required.
Increase public involvement in the community through ensuring the parish council and its activities are open, transparent and accountable to residents.
Support local business and economic activity in the parish.
Work with other Councils to provide safe, healthy and timely opportunities for recreation, leisure and education.
To support the work of parish voluntary organizations through grants and practical support.
Respond to planning applications and other statutory consultations on time, ensuring that recommendations made to Shropshire Council adhere to the community plan, any statutory regulations, and the interests of the community.
Promote, within our community, activities which support the principles of environmental sustainability and an ethical society, working with others to keep public places clean and safe.
Ensure that Councillors and Staff have access to high quality training and development opportunities and that they meet all required standards, for example working towards achieving Quality Council status.

Community Governance, Community Leadership and Performance Management

The Parish Council is committed to ensuring it delivers best practice in a wide range of activities.
The Council has agreed statements on the following areas:
How it manages its finances and delivers value for money.
You can read the statement on value for money through this link.
How it delivers best practice in meeting its duties in relation to bio-diversity and crime and disorder.
You can read the statement on bio-diversity through this link. 
You can read the statement on crime and disorder through this link.
How it provides leadership in planning for the future of the community.
You can read the statement on leadership through this link.
How it manages the performance of the Council as a corporate body and its staff to achieve its business plan.
You can read the statement on performance management through this link.

Parish Council signs the Tree Charter

The Charter for Trees, Woods and People sets out the principles for a society in which people and trees can stand stronger together. The Tree Charter was launched in Lincoln Castle on 6 November 2017; the 800th anniversary of the 1217 Charter of the Forest. The Parish Council signed the Tree Charter in summer 2018.
Understand the Tree Charter Principals through this link.
Read more about the Tree Charter through this link.

Parish Council Business Plan 2021 - 2025

The Council has adopted a long term Business Plan to help direct its work.
A copy of the Business Plan can be found through this link.

Parish Council Performance Review

The Council’s role is to have overall responsibility for the wellbeing of the local community and covers:
· Representing the community taking into account different interests.
· Delivering services to meet local needs.
· Striving to improve the quality of life in the community.
· In England, organising the annual parish meeting.
To deliver against these responsibilities, the Council needs to be able to identify the critical issues, eg its purposes and plans, financial resilience and quality of governance, and be able to review these at regular intervals.  The Council last reviewed its Performance Review in Spring 2023.  A copy of the review can be found through this link.

Contact Us


The Parish Clerk
4 Bazeley Way


07720 854185

This website is managed by Wem Rural Parish Council. Every effort is made to ensure the information is accurate and up to date although there can be no guarantee of this. The Council will not be held responsible for any loss, damage or inconvenience caused as a result of wrong information on these pages. If you see any information on this website that is incorrect please notify the Parish Clerk.

If you need to report a pothole, litter, fly-tipping or even a planning issue just click on this link and go straight to Shropshire Council’s reporting webpage

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