Each year Visiting Angels chooses an Angel Caregiver of the year – a reward recognition program to celebrate an Angel who has shown dedication over the last year. 

This Angel accompanies them to National Conference in December where they meet with the other Franchises and have an overall Angel of the Year. 

The Angel is Lani MacDonald (pictured in the middle) and here’s why she was chosen.

Lani has been with us just over a year and was brand new to care when she found us.  She had worked in many voluntary roles prior to this but nothing that involved hands on care, nor personal care or medication.  Lani originates from South Africa and lives in Oswestry with her husband – she has lived in many parts of the world and is an experienced traveler.  Some of her family remain in South Africa, and one of her sons work on a cruise ship so Lani is pretty cut off from family life and misses them dearly.

Lani supports us in a full-time role, providing care too many clients with early starts and some late nights and weekends which are part of her weekly schedule.  Lani works single and double handed care visits and goes above and beyond in everything that she does. Lani often provides cover with visits at short notice, adding to her already heavy schedule. Lani goes above and beyond for our clients and notes their birthdays, their feelings and moods and records and has client testimonials to reflect the outstanding work that she does in the community.  Lani has success stories with clients; one of them being Mr T. 

Mrs T’s feedback for Lani states “ a true golden angel as without her my life would not be what it is and Mr T loves having her visit – everyone needs a Lani in their life”.

helen mccabe
Author: helen mccabe