Thank you to everyone that attended the Wem Rural Parish Council’s Annual Parish Meeting on 4th April at Edsaston Village Hall.

annual parish meetingThe meeting was attended by 38 people which included parishioners, parish councillors and Chris Taylor from Shropshire Council who updated attendees about future plans for broadband in the parish. You can download the presentation here.

The Chair, Huw Edwards, opened up the meeting and gave a brief report which included how the Wem Rural Parish Council had supported projects in the area including the car park in Newtown and the historic panels at Whitchurch crematorium which they have been nominated for an award for.

At the start of the meeting people were given the opportunity to look at a map of the parish and add a sticker to show where they lived and then mark places of interest with sticky labels.

After the mapping exercise those attending the annual parish meeting where then given the opportunity to share what their priorities are the parish and write down any concerns or changes they would like to see, of which will be fed back and added to the parish council’s action plan for the year ahead.

annual parish meetingTime was given towards the end of the meeting for local people to ask questions or raise any concerns which led to further conversations regarding the health and safety of 5G, frustration with lack of internet in the parish and.

Before closing the meeting, the Chair then gave his email address so that anyone could email him directly with their broadband issues, which the parish council will then address to Shropshire Council on behalf of it’s residents.

If you didn’t attend the meeting then you can still email the Chair any broadband concerns to


helen mccabe
Author: helen mccabe