Members of the public are welcome to observe the Parish Council meetings.
Wem Area Climate Action along with Wem Rural Parish Council are hosting a Climate Conversation event as part of the GREAT BIG GREEN WEEK.
There will be a range of activities to get involved with along with some games so you can find out more about the importance of looking after our environment.
Members of the public are welcome to observe the Parish Council meetings.
Wem Rural Parish Council in partnership with Wem Town Council are delivering a range of training and networking to help support local businesses in North Shropshire.
The next FREE Workshop is all about how local businesses can use digital media to grow their businesses and will be aimed towards small businesses on the high street as well as large companies on the Industrial Estate and many in between.
Local charities and community groups are also invited to attend and skills such as how to use AI to create content, how best to use social media and how to get your website found in search engines.
Monks Estate Agents are kindly sponsoring this event which includes the provision of refreshments.
Members of the public are welcome to observe the Parish Council meetings.
Members of the public are welcome to observe the Parish Council meetings.
Members of the public are welcome to observe the Parish Council meetings.
Find our more about local services and groups geared towards maintaining and improving your health and well-being .
You can also find out more about volunteering opportunities
If you provide a health or wellbeing service in Shropshire then we would like to invite to exhibit at the Health and Wellbeing Fair.
Contact the Wem Rural Parish Clerk for more information
Phone: 07720 854185
Sponsored by Freedom Fibre