Councillor Responsibilities


Councillors are appointed to represent the Parish Council on various Committees and External Bodies.

Officers and representatives for the financial year up to March 2025 are as follows:

Cllr John Britton

No responsibilities

Cllr Peter Broomhall

Trustee of Robert Hill and Noble Street Trust

Representative on Wem Business Partnership Growth (from 2 May 2023)

Cllr Huw Edwards

Chair of the Parish Council

Representative on Shropshire Association of Local Councils

Cllr Julia Goode

Vice Chair of the Parish Council

Member of the Personnel Committee (from 2 May 2023)

Cllr Jan Hilditch

Representative on Newtown Community and Recreation Association

Representative on the Helicopter Noise Liaison Group

Cllr Andrew Matthews

Representative on the Helicopter Noise Liaison Group

Cllr William Minty 

Representative on Shropshire Association of Local Councils (from 2 May 2023)

Cllr Denise Morgan

Member of the Personnel Committee (from 2 May 2023)

Representative on Wem Business Partnership Growth

Cllr Jordan Page

Trustee of Robert Hill and Noble Street Trust

Cllr Peter Slack

No responsibilities

Cllr Len Staines

Member of the Personnel Committee (from 2 May 2023)

Representative on Wem Area Climate Action Forum

Cllr Liz Vernon

Chair of the Personnel Committee (from 2 May 2023)

Emergency Planning Officer/Snow Warden

Officers and representatives for the financial year ending March 2024 are as follows:

Cllr John Britton

No responsibilities

Cllr Peter Broomhall

Trustee of Robert Hill and Noble Street Trust

Representative on Wem Business Partnership Growth (from 2 May 2023)

Cllr Huw Edwards

Chair of the Parish Council

Representative on Shropshire Association of Local Councils

Representative on the Helicopter Noise Liaison Group

Cllr Julia Goode

Representative on Newtown Community and Recreation Association

Representative on the Helicopter Noise Liaison Group

Member of the Personnel Committee (from 2 May 2023)

Cllr Jan Hilditch

No responsibilities

Cllr Andrew Matthews

No responsibilities

Cllr William Minty 

Representative on Shropshire Association of Local Councils (from 2 May 2023)

Cllr Denise Morgan

Member of the Personnel Committee (from 2 May 2023)

Cllr Jordan Page

Trustee of Robert Hill and Noble Street Trust

Cllr Peter Slack

Vice Chair of the Parish Council

Emergency Planning Officer/Snow Warden

Cllr Len Staines

Member of the Personnel Committee (from 2 May 2023)

Representative on Wem Area Climate Action Forum

Cllr Liz Vernon

Chair of the Personnel Committee (from 2 May 2023)

Officers and representatives for the financial year ending March 2023 are as follows:

Cllr Peter Broomhall

Member of Wem Economic Forum (to 3 May 2022)

Trustee of Robert Hill and Noble Street Trust

Cllr Huw Edwards

Vice Chair of the Parish Council (up to 6 September 2022)

Chair of the Parish Council (from 6 September 2022)

Member of the Personnel Committee

Member of the Communications Team

Representative on Shropshire Association of Local Councils

Cllr Julia Goode

Representative on Newtown Community and Recreation Association

Representative on the Helicopter Noise Liaison Group

Cllr Andrew Matthews (from 1 November 2022)

No responsibilities

Cllr William Minty (from 10 January 2023)

No responsibilities

Cllr Denise Morgan (from 6 December 2022)

No responsibilities

Cllr Jordan Page

Trustee of Robert Hill and Noble Street Trust (wef 1 March 2022)

Cllr Peter Slack

Vice Chair of the Parish Council (from 6 September 2022)

Emergency Planning Officer

Cllr Len Staines

Member of the Communications Team

Representative on Wem Area Climate Action Forum

Cllr Liz Vernon

Member of the Personnel Committee

Member of the Communications Team

Cllr Stella Whyte (to 31 January 2023)

Member of the Personnel Committee

Member of the Communications Team

Member of Wem Economic Forum (to 3 May 2022)

Cllr Ruth Williams (to 3 August 2022)

Chair of the Parish Council

Chair of the Personnel Committee

Member of the Communications Team

Representative on Shropshire Association of Local Councils

Diary Dates


Keeping safe and well this summer

Keeping safe and well this summer

The Shropshire Carers Support Team has put together a summer wellness guide (attached) so you have information at your fingertips. Download and / or print off the guide for advice on how to keep safe and well during the summer – includes handy links to various...

Contact Us


The Parish Clerk
4 Bazeley Way


07720 854185

This website is managed by Wem Rural Parish Council. Every effort is made to ensure the information is accurate and up to date although there can be no guarantee of this. The Council will not be held responsible for any loss, damage or inconvenience caused as a result of wrong information on these pages. If you see any information on this website that is incorrect please notify the Parish Clerk.

If you need to report a pothole, litter, fly-tipping or even a planning issue just click on this link and go straight to Shropshire Council’s reporting webpage