Wem Rural Parish Council are delighted by how many local business leaders attended the Free Business Networking Event organised on Monday 23rd October.

Over 80 business leaders gathered at Wem Town Hall to network and share thoughts, ideas and challenges.

A range of canapes and drinks were served by the volunteers at Wem Town Hall on arrival before the Mayor of Wem, Cllr Soul welcomed everyone including special guests His Majesty’s Lord Lieutenant Mrs Anna Turner and High Sherriff of Shropshire Mandy Thorn MBE DL who introduced everyone to the King’s Award for Enterprise (KAVS).

Ruth Westwood from Shropshire Council then shared about funding opportunities for local businesses and provided more information regarding the Shared Prosperity Fund/Invest in Shropshire.

Led by Helen McCabe, Clerk at Wem Rural Parish Council and Penny O’Hagan, Clerk at Wem Town Council participants then took part in table-top consultation where they formulated the top 3 challenges that local businesses are facing, along with recommendations on what can be done.

Time was given then for each table to report back on their challenges and each person then voted on their preferred time and day for further regular networking events in order to take these challenges forward and provide further support for local businesses. 

Following this there was a call out for women to get involved in planning an International Women’s Day event which will take place on Friday 8th March 2024.

Rose Horner from Wem Town Hall then gave a presentation on business opportunities including the friends of Wem Town Hall scheme and the weekly indoor and outdoor market before Cllr Soul announced that the Wemian newspaper would be relaunched in January by the Rotary Club.

Business leaders were also asked to share any news for the Christmas edition of the Rural Review which will be printed in December and provide details of news from local businesses. 

A local business owner, Lesley Stabler from Little Owl Glass gave a quick talk on how as a small business owner she is her own HR manager and gave some tips to have good mental health such as going out for a walk each day.

This led on to the keynote speaker Samantha Brettell who gave an engaging presentation on the importance of healthy leadership and why it is so critical to look after employees. 

There was then a quick time of Q&A before business leaders enjoyed some further networking before Chair of Wem Rural Parish Council Cllr Edwards gave the closing address. 

[ngg src=”galleries” ids=”7″ display=”basic_thumbnail” thumbnail_crop=”0″]Many thanks to Anthony Photography for sharing your photographs.


helen mccabe
Author: helen mccabe