As a parishioner in Wem Rural it’s possible that you may come across some issues that need the local community backing such as traffic issues, litter or nuisance calls so we’ve created this guide to help you get others involved.

  1. The first thing to do is to see how many other residents are experiencing the same concerns and feel as strongly as you do about an issue. You could do this by talking to them when you see them in the parish, contact them via online tools such as social media or if you have their contact details phoning or emailing them. It’s important that you let them have their say so try by asking a question as opposed to sharing your views at this point.
  2. Once you gather feedback from other parishioners and believe that it’s a community-wide issue then you can let your local parish council know by attending the meetings and using the 15 minutes at the start of the meetings to put express your concerns. Don’t forget to keep an eye out for agendas which are displayed on the community noticeboards and website 3 clear days before each meeting.
  3. Once it has been discussed at the local parish meetings you will get an idea about what can be done about the issue and if more is needed by the community.
  4. If you’re then asked to provide more community backing you may want to hold a public meeting with residents in order to provide more detailed reports on issues and you can find more tips on how to hold a public meeting here.
helen mccabe
Author: helen mccabe