Financial Information

Value for Money

Wem Rural Parish Council aims to give value for money as it raises and spends money for the benefit of the local community.  It makes it clear where the money goes and is accountable for sound financial management.
Parish Councils that spends taxpayers’ money has a duty to do so lawfully and must be confident that whenever it spends any money:

  • It has the legal power (it is not acting beyond its powers)
  • It follows lawful procedures
  • It does not take unnecessary risks
  • Transactions are transparent
  • Councillors conform to standards in public decision making.


There is legislation that provides a detailed framework that Parish Councils must follow.  Parish Councils must take responsibility for:

  • Appointing an appropriate officer to manage its finances
  • Following lawful and proper financial procedures
    deciding how much precept (the amount of money Shropshire Council collects on behalf of the Parish Council) to ask for from the council tax
  • Establishing sound internal control (audit) systems
    setting up its own financial regulations
  • Formally accepting the end of year accounts
  • Submitting what is required to the external auditor
  • Publishing the accounts and the results of audit

Year End Finances

You can view and download end of year finances for Wem Rural Parish Council here.

Financial Year Ending March 2024
Financial Year Ending March 2023
Financial Year Ending March 2022
Financial Year Ending March 2021
Financial Year Ending March 2020
Financial Year Ending March 2019
Financial Year Ending March 2018
Financial Year Ending March 2017

Community Led Housing Grant Scheme January 2016

Wem Rural Parish Council was successful in being awarded a grant of £69,000 from Shropshire Council for participation in the Community Led Housing Scheme at Round Meadow, Wem. Although not funded by the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), Shropshire Council has stipulated the grant must be used for projects which meet the criteria of the Neighbourhood Fund element of CIL.  The grant must be utilised within 5 years (July 2020).

Wem Rural Parish Council will use the grant within the set criteria and statutory powers. In addition, the Council will award grants, specifically for capital expenditure projects, to voluntary organisations and community groups, which in the opinion of the Council is in the interests of the Parish of Wem Rural and / or its residents and will benefit them in a manner commensurate with the expenditure.

All applications will be considered on their individual merits. The final decision on assessment of applications and the level of any grant offered lies with Wem Rural Parish Council and grants will be awarded on a ‘match funding basis’.

Full details of the Scheme can be found through this link.
If you are interested in making an application under this Scheme please contact the Clerk.


Community Grant Scheme

Community Led Housing Grant Scheme January 2016

The Council is committed to supporting local community groups and where possible, financially.  The Council invites applications on an annual basis with deadlines published in the Rural Review.

Full details of the Scheme can be found through this link.
If you are interested in making an application under this Scheme please contact the Clerk. 
The following document details the Grants given and received

Grants Awarded & Received

Monitoring and Control

At every Council meeting the Budget is monitored and explanations for any amounts under or over expenditure are discussed.  Also, expenditure can only be approved at full Council meetings.  The Council’s finances are audited annually both internally (an independent official nominated by the Council) and externally (by auditors appointed by the Government’s Audit Commission).

Please note that some pdfs/documents may not comply with the Accessibility Regulations but they can be provided in an alternative format or media on request

Contact Us


The Parish Clerk
4 Bazeley Way


07720 854185

This website is managed by Wem Rural Parish Council. Every effort is made to ensure the information is accurate and up to date although there can be no guarantee of this. The Council will not be held responsible for any loss, damage or inconvenience caused as a result of wrong information on these pages. If you see any information on this website that is incorrect please notify the Parish Clerk.

If you need to report a pothole, litter, fly-tipping or even a planning issue just click on this link and go straight to Shropshire Council’s reporting webpage