International Women’s Day 2025


In 2024 Wem Rural Parish Council, along with local businesses and other partners hosted North Shropshire’s first International Women’s Day Event.

Following the success of this event that celebrated the achievement of local women we would like to host another event in March 2025.

Shropshire Council have agreed to pledge £1,141 however we need to receive more pledges and at least 20 backers to release these funds.

If you are able to then please make a pledge via Spacehive so that International Women’s Day 2025 can go ahead.

Visit Spacehive to make a pledge. 

About International Women’s Day
Imagine a gender equal world. A world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination. A world that’s diverse, equitable, and inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated.

Together we can forge women’s equality. Collectively we can all #InspireInclusion.
International Women’s Day (IWD) has been around for over a hundred years, as have many of the issues that still impact women’s advancement. Since 1911, IWD belongs to all who care about women’s equality. Celebrate women’s achievement. Raise awareness about discrimination.

Take action to forge gender parity. All IWD activity is valid, that’s what makes IWD so inclusive.

Get Involved

Wem Rural Parish Council is keen to work alongside as many local women as possible. If you are interested in getting more involved please contact the Clerk.

Diary Dates


Northwood Chapel to Close

Northwood Chapel to Close

It is with great sadness that the members of Northwood Chapel have to announce that the Shropshire and Marches Methodist Circuit have closed Northwood Chapel. Over the last 18 months the members have endeavoured to find a way to keep the chapel open, but without...

Contact Us


The Parish Clerk
4 Bazeley Way


07720 854185

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