West Mercia Police, Shropshire Council, Shrewsbury BID and Shrewsbury Town Council have collaborated on a campaign to make the streets of Shropshire safer for women and girls.

Autumn 2022 saw the introduction of Town Rangers, Taxi marshals and Quarry security, and the enhancement of the Street Pastor provision to include a new ‘Safe Place’ within the town centre. They have installed new and improved lighting along the river footpaths, and Shropshire Youth Service have been doing targeted outreach work. West Mercia Police, together with Shropshire council, have worked together to create a ‘Safe Night out’ social media campaign aimed at challenging the behaviour and attitudes of men. You can watch the video on TikTokInstagram, or YouTube. Funded as part of the Government’s Safer Streets 4 initiative, the campaign specifically targets younger people, including students, highlighting verbal abuse, drunken behaviour, and assault.

Work is ongoing, with a focus on sustainability and we are committed in our efforts to keep women and girls safe. They ran a survey in 2022 which helped us understand the feelings of women and girls who work, live, and socialise in Shrewsbury Town Centre and as we near the end of the Safer Streets delivery period we are keen to capture again your thoughts and feelings and thank you for your time to complete this short survey – survey link. Survey will close 9th March 2024.

helen mccabe
Author: helen mccabe