According to a recent by the Farm Safety Foundation 94% of UK farmers under the age of 40 rank poor mental health as one of the biggest hidden problems facing farmers today.

Further research published by UK Parliament goes on to say that the covid-19 pandemic may increase mental-ill health in farming with many not being able to seek help due to rural isolation and lack of awareness.

The Agriculture Industry in Shropshire report that Shropshire has the largest number of farm holdings out of all county and has the sixth largest amount of people working in agriculture out of all county and unitary authorities, behind Devon, North Yorkshire, Lincolnshire, Cornwall and Somerset making it an important issue for the local area.

shropshire rural supportYoung farmers can access confidential support from Shropshire Rural Support, a small charity supported by a group of dedicated volunteers, all of whom live and are involved with rural Shropshire.

If you know someone who needs help and is potentially suicidal, doing nothing is not an option.  You can contact Shropshire Rural Support via their confidential helpline on 0300 123 2825 or email them at

helen mccabe
Author: helen mccabe