More than 50 people from local businesses attended a networking event at Wem Town Hall on a Monday evening to hear more about how they can use digital media.

This event is part of the economic development project run in partnership with Wem Rural Parish Council and Wem Town Council to help and support local businesses.

It was held at Wem Town Hall and kindly sponsored by Monks Estate Agents who also provided the biscuits and gave all the attendees a plant.

The workshop was run by Helen McCabe, Clerk for Wem Rural Parish Council who is also a trained Marketing Consultant and runs her own small charitable marketing company that helps provide low-cost marketing for those starting out or looking to expand their own business.

The training included the importance of having a GREAT website, how we can use AI to create content that search engines like and how best to use social media.

For anyone that would like to continue the conversation about digital media or would like to speak or sponsor the next networking event then you are welcome to join us at Wem Library for a Coffee Morning on Tuesday 10th September at 10am.

In the meantime if you are just staring out or looking for help for your small business in Shropshire then please get in touch with the Clerk.



Author: carole