News & Updates

Thistleford Bridge road closure for essential bridge maintenance works

The proposed bridge works which will require the closure of Thistleford Bridge which carries a “C classified” road over the River Roden The work is proposed to start on the 1st July 2024 for 2 days. The works will involve repairs to the upstream parapet and approach...

Talking about the Climate for the Great Big Green Week

Parish Councillors from Wem Rural Parish Council, along with several other partners met on Saturday 15th June at Jubilee Square in Wem to talk to residents about climate change. Despite the rain, many free bananas were handed out to visitors and the craft activities...

Keeping safe and well this summer

The Shropshire Carers Support Team has put together a summer wellness guide (attached) so you have information at your fingertips. Download and / or print off the guide for advice on how to keep safe and well during the summer – includes handy links to various...

Loppington Christmas Fair

The Loppington Christmas Fair is on 25th November 3-5pm and includes Craft Stalls, Tombola, Christmas Gifts and Produce, The Whisky Wheel, Water into Wine, BBQ, Mulled Wine and Mince Pies, Christmas Hamper, a Grand Draw AND a special visit from SANTA!!  

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Christmas at the Fox

The Fox Inn Christmas menu is now out and ready to take bookings!   Served from the 1st of November till the 14th of January.   Pre order is a must and deposit of £5 per head required upon booking.   Not taking bookings for the 24th, 25th, 31st December...

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Christmas Tree Festival

The Christmas Tree Festival is to enable local businesses and organisations to express their creativity and Christmas Spirit with the decorating of a Christmas Tree. These trees will be on display in the Church of St Peter and St Paul on the High Street in Wem from...

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Santa’s Schedule

Santa is planning his schedule and has sent some dates of when he'll be driving his sleigh in and around Wem. He may need to change some of his dates so check on the Wem Rotary's Club's Facebook Page for daily updates.

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The Burlton Inn Christmas Menu

'Tis the season for joy and culinary delights! The festive menu at the Burlton Inn is meticulously crafted by the talented Chef Ennio Picano, has made its grand entrance.   FESTIVE SERVICE HOURS: Tues to Sat (Nov 21 - Dec 23) 5:30pm-8:30pm Daytime Celebrations:...

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Toys for Children Christmas Appeal

Wem Town's Football Club Christmas Appeal is now up and running. Please share and support and donate to make Christmas really special this year for our two charities. As an extra option this year Hope House have requested specific toys so use the link or scan the QR...

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Mick’s Mill Christmas Market

Mick's Mill have some exciting plans over the next couple of months which include a showcase of local traders on the following dates from 10am until 4pm.   They will also have a full selection of non-drop & traditional Christmas trees available alongside all...

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2023 Crime and Community Survey launched

Neighbourhood Watch are inviting you to take part in our annual Crime and Community survey. The survey is in its fourth year, and we want to hear your views on crime, community, and your experience of Neighbourhood Watch. The survey is open to everyone across England...

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Take Five to Stop Fraud

STOP: Taking a moment to stop and think before parting with your money or information could keep you safe.  CHALLENGE: Could it be fake? It’s OK to reject, refuse or ignore any requests. Only criminals will try to rush or panic you.  PROTECT: Contact...

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Leave your Lights on

With the darker night’s drawing in we are sharing simple ways to protect your home. It is much easier for burglars to operate using the cover of night and they embrace the longer hours of darkness, but you can help yourself from being a victim of crime.   Head of...

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Christmas Tree Sale!

Wem Scouts we are in their fifth year of Christmas tree sales and are selling Christmas trees as help raise funds. They are aiming to sell and deliver around 160 Christmas Trees and handmade natural wreaths in Wem and surrounding villages. Please get in touch with...

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Volunteers Fair

Wem Rural Parish Council attended the recent Volunteers Fair at Wem Town Hall to talk to people about volunteering opportunities in the parish. Cllr Jan Hilditch helped out on the stall and talked to residents about signing up to Community Speedwatch in order to help...

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Do you have any Christmas News to share?

Wem Rural Parish Council are putting together a Christmas edition of Rural Review and we would like to share any Christmas News you have may have. It could be any special offers you are running in your organisation, a Christmas menu, any Christmas events you are...

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West Mercia Police often receive an increase in calls regarding fireworks around this time of year, not just on Bonfire Night itself and are reminding us of the following: It is illegal to sell fireworks to anyone under 18 years of age. Maximum penalty of £5000 and/or...

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Free Trees for Community Groups and Schools

Since 2010, The Woodland Trust has given away 13 million free trees to schools and communities across the UK. They want to make sure everybody has the chance to plant a tree, so they are still giving away hundreds of thousands of them every year. Together, they will...

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Quiz Night Success for NCRA

The NCRA Quiz Night held at Newtown Primary School last week was a great success as funds were raised to help improve the play and park facilities. Councillor Goode and her husband Mark were busy with the preparations along with Rebecca Hanbury who assisted greatly...

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The Autumn edition of Rural Review is now out

The Autumn edition of Rural Review has now been printed and is being delivered to every household in the parish. This edition contains details on Wem Rural Parish Council's re-accreditation of Quality Gold Award, a little piece about parish history, the recent...

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The AGM For NCRA is on Wednesday 27th September at 7pm. You can download the Agenda for the Agenda for NCRA's AGM here.

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NCRA launches Lottery

Newtown Community & Recreation Association (NCRA) is a registered charity and was formed in 1999. The charity purchased the land (outlined below) for the benefit of the Newtown area community and created a playing field, a community garden to celebrate the...

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Congratulations to the Tilley Raven and friends

Congratulations to the Tilley Raven and friends for best decorated float at Wem Carnival earlier this month. Their float was called Old McClarkson Had a Farm and several local people including one of our Parish Councillors Denise Morgan were dressed up as animals....

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Street Pastors

Parish Councillor, Julia Goode from Wem Rural Parish Council has met up with Street Pastors in Shrewsbury to find out more about the work they do and how they help people in Wem. Watch the video to find out more.   [ngg src="galleries" ids="4"...

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Archaeological Excavations at Soulton Hall

May and June 2023 saw the forth season of archaeological excavations at Soulton Hall, led by Dig Ventures.   This research compliments ongoing scholarship by James D. Wenn on the thousand year story of the manner of Soulton. Previous seasons have looked at...

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The Biodiversity of Ragwort!

At the time of writing, verges, waste ground and some fields are lit up by the bright yellow flowers of Ragwort - Senecio jacobea to give its biological name. There is no doubt that Ragwort is a serious enemy to farming and livestock. It is a native species of the...

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The Tilley Timber project, 2014-2017

Tilley is a charming hamlet situated just south of Wem. At its heart lies a small cluster of half-timbered houses, surrounded by open green fields and scattered historic farmsteads. What makes Tilley unique however, is the fact that this cluster of late mediaeval...

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Local Barber turning to technology

A local Barber in Wem has turned to technology to help their customers book an appointment. Clear Cut Barbers on Wem Hight Street have recently launched a new booking app to avoid waiting times for their customers The mobile App is called Nearcut and once downloaded...

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Wem Art Society

This year our fantastic ART exhibition will be held in October. Venue: St Peters & St Pauls Church Hall in Wem on Dates: 5th, 6th and 7th October 2023 Opening Times: 10am - 4pm As usual there will be a large selection of original art to enjoy, plus greeting cards...

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Don’t forget to pick it up!

Don’t forget to pick it up!

The Grounds Maintenance Teams for Shropshire Towns and Rural Housing are seeing increasing numbers of dog waste being left on the grassed areas. Don't forget that you're are required by law to clean up after your dog and failure to so can result in a Fixed Penalty...

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New Planters in Northwood

Many thanks to Northwood Nurseries who have planted new flowers in Northwood. They also cut the verges so that the flowers are more visible which wasn't a particularly nice job as several bags of dog poo have been left. Please do remember to pick up any dog poo and...

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Communities Supporting Each Other

Recently one of the fathers of a member of Wem Rural Parish Councl passed away. Tony Matthews was a true Shropshire Lad. He was so proud of his county and in particular, the areas of Barkers Green and Aston, where he lived all of is 88 years. Tony was a farm and...

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Happy 3rd Birthday to Sweets and Treats in Wem

Many happy returns to Sweets and Treats who celebrate 3 years in business this week. The owner, Kate Williams opened the sweet shop on Wem High Street during lockdown and is going from strength to strength. We met up with Kate and her mum when we visited the shop this...

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Green Information Day Drop-In

Wem Climate Action are organising a Green Information Drop-In on Saturday 15th July so local people can find out more about biodiversity. Cllr Len Staines, who represents Wem Rural Parish Council at the Wem Climate Action Forum will be taking part in the morning. The...

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Helping to combat speeding traffic in Northwood

Speeding on Rural roads with 60mph limit are the most lethal roads in Britain with 514 deaths in 2021 according to figures from the Department of Transport. So traffic passing through villages like Northwood where 60mph changes to 30mph needs monitoring and drivers...

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Local Council Clerk Week

10 - 14 July 2023 Local Council Clerk Week (LCCW) is a week of celebration aimed at raising the profile of the role of the clerk and recognising the work clerks do for their communities. The Clerk is the person who works with your councillors to make sure that Wem...

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Business Leaders Breakfast in Wem

    Several councillors from Wem Rural Parish Council met with local business leaders over breakfast at the Happy Cafe on Wem Industrial Estate. The aim of the consultation event was to find out more the needs of businesses in the parish and to provide...

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Healthy Homes, Healthy Householders Webinar

In the coming months hot topics featured will include woodburning stoves, doors and windows, and air tightness for better energy efficiency. The first webinar is Healthy Homes, Healthy Householders, on Wednesday 28th June in the usual lunchtime slot 1 – 2.30pm. --...

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The Great Big Green Week

The Great Big Green Week

Organised by The Climate Coalition, Great Big Green Week is a celebration of community action to address climate change and protect our natural world. Now in its third year, this nationwide event brings together communities and groups from across the country to...

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A reminder about wearing seatbelts

As we are beginning to experience the start of what will (hopefully) be a glorious summer, North Shropshire Safer Neighborhood Team thought it would be beneficial to remind drivers and passengers travelling in vehicles of their responsibilities regarding seatbelt...

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Advice on using e-scooters

Advice on using e-scooters

E-scooters are classed as motor vehicles under the Road Traffic Act 1988. Which means the rules that apply to motor vehicles, also apply to e-scooters including the need to have a licence, insurance and tax. It's not currently possible to get insurance for privately...

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Raising awareness of child neglect

Work commissioned by Shropshire Safeguarding Community Partnership and undertaken by the Children’s Society, identified that there needs to be better understanding of child neglect and how to recognise it by professionals in particular. Shropshire Safeguarding...

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Road Closure: New Street, Wem

New Street, Wem will be closed between 29th May 2023 to 31st May 2023 Purpose: Road Closure - Repair on sewer main. Works Promoter:   Severn Trent Water Works Promoter Ref: LB7012204-000013181675C-02 You can view the closure and diversion route by clicking here: ...

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The Spring 2023 of Rural Review is now out

The Spring 2023 of Rural Review is being delivered to homes and businesses in Wem Rural and it contains articles about the Wem Business Leaders Breakfast, The Importance of Biodiversity, Mental Health of Farmers and so much more. This issue also contains our Annual...

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Importance of Biodiversity to Wem Rural

You may have seen recently Sir David Attenborough’s series ‘Wild Isles’, which revealed some very worrying facts about British wildlife. For example, one-quarter of our mammal species and one-third of our bird species are at risk of extinction Just one specific...

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Road Closure: B5476 Quina Brook

The B5476 Quina Brook will be closed from 28th April 2023 to 24th May 2023.  Details of the road closure are below. Prep Works - 28/04/2023-29/04/2023 (Weekend Working) Dressing Works - 10/05/2023-12/05/202319 Lining Works - 18/05/2023-24/05/2023 PLEASE NOTE THAT...

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Road Closure: B5476 Wem to Tilstock

The B5476 Wem to Tilstock will be closed from 24th April 2023 to 25th April 2023 Purpose: Refresh lining through site following Multevo patching, These works will take place as follows:- Phase 1 Wem to Coton 24/04/2023 09:30-16:00 Phase 2 Coton to Tilstock 25/04/2023...

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Wheelie Bin Speed Stickers

Wem Rural Parish Council have become aware of speeding in villages around the parish and have purchased a range of stickers that can be placed on Wheelie Bins in areas where speeding could potentially be an issue. These stickers are a great visual reminder to...

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Problems with Potholes?

Potholes are caused by the expansion and contraction of ground water after the water has entered into the ground under the pavement and mostly occurs in Spring when temperatures fluctuate above and below freezing point more. They appear in various sizes and shapes and...

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Mental Health of Youth Farmers

According to a recent by the Farm Safety Foundation 94% of UK farmers under the age of 40 rank poor mental health as one of the biggest hidden problems facing farmers today. Further research published by UK Parliament goes on to say that the covid-19 pandemic may...

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Annual Parish Meeting Report

Thank you to everyone that attended the Wem Rural Parish Council's Annual Parish Meeting on 4th April at Edsaston Village Hall. The meeting was attended by 38 people which included parishioners, parish councillors and Chris Taylor from Shropshire Council who updated...

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Road Closures from Wem to Tilstock

Lining works is being carried out between Wem and Tilstock on 24th and 25th April. Details are below: Where is the work? Work will be carried out in phases; between Wem and Coton and then Coton to Tilstock. Please note access/egress for properties within the closure...

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Be careful when driving past horses

Be careful when driving past horses

The speed limit when passing horse riders or horse-drawn vehicles is 10 mph. When passing a horse you should always pass wide and slowly. You can find more information in Rule 125 of the Highway Code which states: Horse riders and horse-drawn vehicles. Be particularly...

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Reminder about Telephone Poles

Openreach would like us to remind parishioners not to attach signs on their telephone poles as it can stop their engineers from working for safety reasons. If you would like to put signs up on telephone poles then you will need to contact the National Notice Handling...

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New Men’s Group Announced

Edstaston Village Hall are launching a new regular group just for men. The first session is on Thursday 30th March from 7-10pm for men to drop-in. There will be darts, dominos, table tennis. tea/coffee and plenty of time to chat. No need to book - just drop in when...

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Parish Councillor Vacancy

The Parish Council has been given permission to fill the current vacancies for Newtown and Edstaston Wards by co-option. Any persons willing to fill these vacancies should apply to the Clerk in writing on or before the 31st March 2023. To be considered you must be 18...

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Safe Online Shopping

When you’re buying online, how confident are you that you’re dealing with a genuine seller and not a criminal? Or do you even think about it? Many people believe that online shopping scams are easy to spot, with poor spelling or grammar, dodgy logos or unusual website...

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Amber Weather Warning of Snow and Ice

There's an Amber Weather Warning of Snow and Ice for today and Yellow Warning on Saturday and Sunday so take care if you're out and about. What to expect Possible travel delays on roads stranding some vehicles and passengers Possible delays or cancellations to rail...

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Feedback from Local Businesses

Local business leaders were recently invited to attend an inaugural event of the Wem Business Network at the end of February. The event was a huge success and there seems to be an appetite for more Business Network in the town As many businesses were unable to attend...

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Annual Community Grant Scheme

The Council is committed to supporting local community groups and where possible, financially.  The Council invites applications on an annual basis with deadlines published in the Rural Review. It was agreed at the March Parish Meeting to extend the deadline of the...

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Rural Review

The latest copy of our Rural Review has been posted out to Parishioners along with a copy of the last edition that unfortunately hadn't been mailed out due to industrial action before Christmas. There is lots of information in these newsletters so please do have a...

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Football and climate change

What's been happening? Around a third of grassroots pitches are already losing six weeks to two months of the year from flooding due to severe weather1. A number of Met Office attribution studies have shown that some heavy rainfall events in the UK in recent years...

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Business Networking in Wem

If you run a business in the parish then you are invited to join other local businesses for a networking event at Soulton Hall on 28th February. This event has been funded by Shropshire Council and includes a full English Breakfast along with speakers and time to...

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The Wave Project

If you are LGBT+, live, work or play in Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin and are aged 50-100 or more, then you can join SAND in The Wave Project to make older and old LGBT+ people across Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin more visible. SAND (Safe Aging No...

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New Loneliness campaign launches

As part of Better Health: Every Mind Matters, the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport is launching their next phase of Loneliness campaign activity today. Feeling lonely is something that all of us can experience at any point and it can have a huge impact...

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Help prevent the spread of the norovirus this winter

GPs across Shropshire are advising residents on how to prevent the spread of norovirus this winter. Norovirus, commonly known as the winter vomiting bug, is highly infectious and causes vomiting and diarrhoea, but usually passes in a couple of days. It is easily...

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Have your say on local eye care!

The health and care system in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin is working together to transform eye-care services. We have listened to clinicians, members of the public, patients and carers to develop a proposed new model of care. Join for an update on how things have...

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How increases in housing costs impact households

More than 1.4 million households in the UK are facing the prospect of interest rate rises when they renew their fixed rate mortgages in 2023. While interest rates have been increasing since the start of 2022, most fixed rate borrowers have been insulated from those...

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Cold Weather Alert has been extended

The cold weather alert level 3 has been extended to Wednesday 25th January. Cold Weather Alert Level 3 - Cold Weather Action There is a 90%...

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Results from the 2021 Census have been published

The Office of National Statistics have released data from 2021 Census which shows us how Wem Rural Parish Council has changed within 10 years. The Census covers data such as housing tenure, health, disability and unpaid care. You can also find out about the change in...

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What to do with your waste

Some important info about what to do if Shropshire Council are unable to collect your waste/recycling due to the cold weather.  Leave your refuse bin out. If we can't get to you on your scheduled collection day we’ll come back and collect it as soon as it's safe to do...

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The Parish Clerk
4 Bazeley Way


07720 854185

This website is managed by Wem Rural Parish Council. Every effort is made to ensure the information is accurate and up to date although there can be no guarantee of this. The Council will not be held responsible for any loss, damage or inconvenience caused as a result of wrong information on these pages. If you see any information on this website that is incorrect please notify the Parish Clerk.

If you need to report a pothole, litter, fly-tipping or even a planning issue just click on this link and go straight to Shropshire Council’s reporting webpage

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