

Welcome to the website for Wem Rural Parish.
Published by Wem Rural Parish Council, the site is for everyone who lives and works here and for anyone who would like to find out more about our Parish.

Details of what is available on this website:

The names and contact details of our Parish Councillors are listed on the Parish Council section, where you can also find an overview of the aims and objectives of the council, with links to the minutes of meetings for the last two years and the agenda for the upcoming meetings.

Business Leaders

Book your FREE place to the next Workshop and Training Event for local business, charities and community groups.
You can find out more about this event here

Quality Gold Award

Wem Rural Parish Council achieves Quality Gold Award.

Annual Return 2023/24

The Annual Report and Annual Return for 2023/24 can be viewed online.

Rural Review

You can read the latest version of the Rural Review here.

Planning Applications

If you’re extending your home it’s essential that you apply for planning BEFORE the building work starts.


Find out more why biodiversity is important for Wem Rural Parish Council

Reporting Crime

It’s important to report crime regardless of how small it is. 

Community Grants Scheme

Find out more about the community groups that Wem Rural Parish Council are supporting in 2024/25

Diary Dates

Defibrillator Awareness Training

We would like as many people as possible to learn how to use the Defibrillators as possible. Please contact the Clerk if you’re interested in attending.

Wem Parish Paths Partnership Walks

Wem Parish Paths Partnership are a small group of volunteers dedicated to the upkeep of public footpaths and rights of way across Wem Parishes.
They are helping to make our beautiful countryside accessible by clearing paths, repairing gates and creating walks. You can download the Walking Guides on their new website here.


Walks Around Wem

Many thanks to everyone that responded to the fundraising campaign on Spacehive to fund the printing of walking guides and waymarkers. The £1,634  needed was raised by local residents, Shrophshire Council and Wem Rural Parish Council. Wem Rural Parish Council are...

The Climate Conversation

The Climate Conversation

Wem Rural Parish Council in partnership with Wem Area Climate Action (WACA) Forum, Wem Town Council and Save our Shropshire, are hosting a Climate Conversation. The event will take place at Jubiliee Square in Wem on Saturday 15th June from 10am-12noon. There will be a...

Let’s start talking about Climate Change

Let’s start talking about Climate Change

As part of the Great Big Green Week Wem Rural Parish Council are working with Wem Climate Action Forum and Wem Town Council to host a Conversation Event on Saturday 15th June. This event will take place on Jubilee Square and there will be a range of activities, games...

Helping to Maintain Whitchurch Road Cemetery

Helping to Maintain Whitchurch Road Cemetery

Three of our Parish Councillors met up with several volunteers from the Friends of Whitchurch Cemetery to hand over a cheque of £500 to help them maintain the grounds. They also kindly opened the chapel and gave a tour of the cemetery which included seeing their...

Let your Garden Grow

Let your Garden Grow

At Wem Rural Parish Council we are actively looking at ways to preserve biodiversity and one of the things we can all do is to let our gardens grow. By letting the grass grow a bit longer it allows wild flowers to bloom, which in turn provides a vital source of nectar...

Wem and Prees Medical Practice News

We have a few exciting updates at the Practice. We recently welcomed Dr Ruth Oldroyd as our Senior Partner following the retirement of Dr Beresford after 27 years as a GP. Dr Oldroyd is not far behind having joined us here in 2001 and is about to celebrate her 23rd...

By letting your grass grow wild, you’re creating a haven for a diverse array of plants, insects, and small creatures.
Together, let’s create spaces where biodiversity thrives!

 – Wem Rural Parish Council

BBC Shropshire News Feed

Contact Us


The Parish Clerk
4 Bazeley Way


07720 854185

This website is managed by Wem Rural Parish Council. Every effort is made to ensure the information is accurate and up to date although there can be no guarantee of this. The Council will not be held responsible for any loss, damage or inconvenience caused as a result of wrong information on these pages. If you see any information on this website that is incorrect please notify the Parish Clerk.

If you need to report a pothole, litter, fly-tipping or even a planning issue just click on this link and go straight to Shropshire Council’s reporting webpage