During December, a month when people often celebrate festivities with their family, friends, loved ones, and community, we want to encourage our supporters and members to reach out to their neighbours and say hello.

For some, December’s colder weather and longer nights can feel isolating – reaching out to say hello to your neighbour, especially if you know they live alone or are vulnerable, may make all the difference to them.

Why not try one or more of these ideas to help you reach out to your neighbours and community…

  • Say hello when you see them outdoors.
  • Offer to take out their bins for collection, or offer to take in their parcels
  • Invite them to the Christmas/ winter event happening in your localcommunity – they might want to be involved!
  • Remind them to keep their homes secure over the festive period – burglarsmay target homes that look unattended over the Christmas holidays.
  • Staying connected with yourcommunity has mental healthbenefits too!

Research shows* that when peopleare socially connected and havestable and supportiverelationships, they are more likely tohave better mental and physicalhealth. Social connectedness canalso help create trust and resiliencewithin communities

helen mccabe
Author: helen mccabe