Shropshire Suicide Prevention Action Group are asking organisations and partners to help promote the support available throughout the Christmas and New Year period, for those who are struggling to cope or know someone who is.

The festive season can be a difficult time of year for many people, so it’s important to extend the reach for offers of support, particularly during a period where many “usual” services are closed or disrupted. 

The poster below has been created by the Shropshire Suicide Prevention Action Group to provide first points of telephone contact as well as a QR code link to information, tools and resources that can support suicide concerns. Please share as appropriate with your networks and groups within Shropshire.

The results of an individual making an attempt to take their own life are wide reaching and every death by suicide is a tragic loss with major impact on our communities. Shropshire’s Suicide Prevention Strategy details the ambitions and plans over the next 3 years to help prevent suicides in the county: Shropshire Suicide Prevention Strategy 2023 – 2026 | Shropshire Council.  

There’s also a wide range of advice and information to help support people’s mental health on Shropshire Council’s Mental health and wellbeing webpage at: Mental health and wellbeing | Shropshire Council

helen mccabe
Author: helen mccabe