If you’ve been to Edstaston Village Hall you will have seen our lovely extension (completed in June 2022) with its accessible automatic entrance door leading to a lobby and through into the bright extension to the main hall. Bifold doors open out onto the new patio and outside green space.  There is a new modern kitchen and other renovations in the hall have created a new fully accessible toilet with added baby changing facilities.

None of this would have been possible without community grants from Wem Rural Parish Council. We are so lucky to have a forward-thinking council supporting our community. Edstaston Village Hall is owned entirely by the community and is the only village hall in Wem Rural Parish. Since the extension was built, hire of the hall has increased threefold. New activities include Fitsteps on a Wednesday evening, monthly Craft and Chat sessions and quarterly Saturday morning Coffee mornings (next one is on March 23rd and will feature Easter activities for the children as well as plenty of cake!)

The Parish Council has also granted funds for extras such as the retaining wall and fencing in the car park and the battery-operated lawnmower for keeping the new grassed area looking great.


helen mccabe
Author: helen mccabe