Readers of previous editions of Rural Review will have seen reports of WACA activities before. The main aim of Wem Area Climate Action is to is to work with individuals and groups to develop local knowledge and awareness on practical steps to reduce our contribution to climate change.

Over the past year the group has made significant progress in a number of ways. One of the most important steps is to achieve Charitable Status, so that funding can be obtained to support projects in the community. This has required developing a constitution, and setting up a bank account – which turned out to be harder than we expected!

At the same time, we have moved forward with a number of projects. Particularly important is to educate young people, and with the agreement of staff we are working with Thomas Adams School with wildflower gardening.

To achieve our aims it is necessary for us to receive training, and we are very fortunate, via Save Our Shropshire, to have been able to have one of our members become a Shropshire Climate Champion – there are only four of them in the whole County. Also, other members have received training in Shropshire’s Carbon Literacy Project, and Habitat Mapping.

Along with Wem Town Council, we have campaigned against the redevelopment of Edinburgh House; our particular concern is that it would involve knocking down two thirds of the building and thus take away the Embodied Carbon associated with creating it.

We have set up or participated in a number of events over the last year, in particular a Green Information Drop-in event in the Town Square, where we also manage the Incredible Edibles plot. In the run up to Christmas we participated in the Christmas Tree Festival in St Peter’s Church, where visitors hung messages on a tree, with particular reference to global warming and COP 28 which produced plenty of creative responses. Another of our members belongs to, and liaises with, Wem P3 (Parish Paths Partnership).


So in planning for 2024, now that we can access funding, we have applied for grants to improve the visual appearance and facilities for Incredible Edibles on the Town Square, which is the public face of WACA. With the help of Wem Town Council, we would like to expand wildflower areas in the Town. We also hope to participate in as many Town events as possible, such as the Spring Harvest, Rotary Festival, Sweet Pea Festival, Vehicles of Interest – which should include an electric vehicle! – Wem Carnival, and the Harvest Market. We’re also investigating the possibility of a drama production – but that’s still at its very early stages.

As you can see, we have big ideas and plans for the future, and WACA is always ready to welcome new volunteers from Wem Rural and Wem Town. We are a committed but informal group, and meet monthly alternately on a Monday or Wednesday at 7.15 pm at Wem Senior Club. We can be contacted at Think Global but Act Local!


helen mccabe
Author: helen mccabe