The Motion to support the Climate and Ecology Bill was agreed by Parish Councillors at the Parish Council Meeting on Tuesday 4th April 2023.

The Climate & Ecology Bill (2022) formerly the CEE Bill is a plan for a new UK law that addresses the full extent of the climate and nature crisis in line with the most up-to-date science. The Bill is the only proposed legislation before the UK Parliament that ensures a comprehensive and joined-up approach to the emergency.

The CE Bill makes sure the UK does its bit to keep global heating down to 1.5°C, which gives us a chance to avoid the worst impacts of climate change. This means cutting down greenhouse gas emissions really fast.

The CE Bill commits to reversing the destruction of nature by 2030.climate & ecology bill

The Bill, which was written by scientists, experts and campaigners, was first introduced in Parliament by Caroline Lucas MP in September 2020, and now has the backing of over 150 parliamentarians representing all major political parties and has the backing of Wem Rural Parish Council.


You can read more about the Climate & Ecology Bill and join the campaign at

helen mccabe
Author: helen mccabe